This seems to be a story every graduate tells after school. Need a job but you don’t have the experience. There is a shortage of workers but still you are lacking experience. As graduate we get confused on what exactly some of these companies want from us. Some want you to intern for life and pay you next to nothing for years, while some just give you a flat NO.
So how does this affect me as a graduate of the culinary arts, coming out with a diploma in food preparation and culinary arts you may ask? Well in my industry getting a job with little to no experience puts you at a great disadvantage, because most business want someone who has experience so they don’t have to train you from the group up, but rather to build on the knowledge you already have. Now this of course is not a bad thing for people with experience but for someone like me with just 6 months experience in a high end restaurant (which is very important as it counts when you apply, that you can work at a 5 star restaurant and not just a 1 star restaurant), it really puts me at a loss.
In the same light I realize that there are some that have gotten jobs straight from school, but for some other people it takes time and patience. I know some people in my life that got jobs soon after finishing school (and of course I had real envy because who doesn’t want to be independent and make money, even if my industry and a lot of other industries, when you are staring out you make small amounts but once you are at the top it gets better for some) and also people on the opposite end who wait 4-5 years with nothing (either due to poor hustle, or studied the wrong thing, which is a reality, or they just gave up and either went back to school to study more or just get a menial job or do nothing).
But nonetheless I keep applying even if I am not qualified hoping that maybe they might at some point have an opening for my qualifications and experience, and they will call me for an interview. And at the same time I did not want to be at home doing nothing and wasting away waiting for a job from someone, I decided with the full support of my family to start a blog and a YouTube channel. These things have helped me focus and get creative, also work hard for what I want in life.
Everything I am doing now is to help me achieve my dreams of being a business owner (catering company and a restaurant). I have always wanted to be an employer and not an employee; this is the goal I have been working on since I started culinary school. With hard work, passion, dedication and good work ethics, I know the sky is only my starting point. If someone doesn’t give you a job, start something for yourself, even if its small like selling snacks at a school or tutoring in your home town, just to make a little extra money, but just do not sit and fold your arms waiting for someone to do all the hard work for you.
The street vendors that you see on the street, they are hustling to they make money every day to feed themselves and their families. They started out small and grew their business. Some of them without an education, but with disciple and goals, they can make anything from a few hundred a week to a few thousands a week. So there is really no excuse as to why you would be sitting at home talking about no job opportunity, when opportunity is all around you. Use your time wisely.
Next blog will be on FIBROMYALGIA
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