Before choosing to be a chef
So being a chef is not the first career path I chose as I came out of school seven years ago. When I was in grade 12 I had no idea of what I wanted to do let along the university that I wanted to go to. All I knew was I loved mathematics and still do, but that was just one side of my passion.
Funny enough when I was moving from primary school to secondary school I thought I wanted to be an accountant, but soon realised the only reason for that is I like doing maths and that changed to wanting to fall in my brothers foot steps do something in the biology side, because I thought well he is doing it so it must be great and fun. Also a side note I always looked up to my brother for inspiration and to emulate. Anyway getting back to the topic, I soon realised that I didn’t really like reading all those biology books. When I got to grade 10 my passion for mathematics came back into play ( by the way I went to a school that only did science). So from then to grade 12 I wanted to do maths.
But at the back of my mind I always knew I loved cooking but didn’t really see a career in it, because I did not have a lot of information on the career path. All I knew was my whole family went into the science and that where I was going.
So now I had to choose the varsity I wanted to go to. But seeing as how I had not really chosen a career I wanted to do, I didn’t know the varsity either. So I applied everywhere that I could. Got my replies and now I had to choose the varsity I wanted. And the way chose the school was the most stupid and funny, so it was well I have never been to Cape Town so lets do this. But the good this is the university was a good one and I have no regrets on that choice till this day because I met some of the best people that I have in my life.
This was my before varsity journey.
The one to come will be on the varsity experience and why that did not work to for me and how many I went to.
N.B this Bloggs will be coming out on Thursdays